
R is a programming language and development toolkit for statistical processing and data analysis. R development toolkit has a command-line interface. For more convenient work it is desirable to use a graphic user interface. RStudio is a free open-source specialized graphic design pack for work with R.

More information and download:

It is also possible to use R code as a calculation module in web application Jupyter Notebook. It can create an interactive document that can contain texts, equations, images, as well as fragments of executable R code. Jupyter Notebook format is suitable for sharing the research and study information. Connection to the network is not necessary for locally developed software. More information: 


Open source, free of charge, AGPL v3.

Software available:



One core x86 processor, 1 GB RAM.

Operating system

Windows 7 or newer, MacOS 10.11+ or Linux (Ubuntu 14+, RedHat 7+).

Network connection

Locally installed software does not require a network connection.