about History of commands that showed on seminar seminar_history.m Example for training options example1.m Predefined learning example: fine_tuning_example2 Training from scratch train_example.m the same, but images was rotated, shifted and mixed for better result train_example2.m Confusion chart example: fine_tuning_example_validation.m Demo image for demonstrating augmentation augmentation_single_image.m *.mat files: pretrained networks, but last layers is without weigths alexnet_4_layers_pretrained (class other is eleminated) alexnet_with_weights_modified_for_5_classes totally untrained networks: alexnet_without_learnables alexnet_without_weigths alexnet_5_classes_totally_untrained other mat files: training results you can open mat files with load command, then look what inside with whos e.g. clear load fine_tuning_example2.mat whos