Intel Parallel Studio

The application package Intel Parallel Studio is mainly used for the development of parallel programs for high-performance computing (HPC) systems.

The tools can be used for developing not only HPC programs but also high-speed programs for personal computers. For example, Intel C++, Fortran compilers and Intel MKL math libraries are widely used for developing not only parallel but also serial programs and are all tuned for Intel processors.

Tools included:

  • Intel C, C++ un Fortran kompilators;
  • Intel MPI bibliotēka;
  • Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL);
  • Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector;
  • Intel Advisor XE;
  • Intel Inspector XE;
  • Intel VTune Amplifier XE;
  • Intel Integrated Performance Primitives;
  • Intel MPI Benchmarks.

Preparing the working environment

module load intel/intel-2013

Usage instructions for the cluster

An example of using Intel compiler (C, C++ and Fortran):

module load intel/intel-2013
icc test.c -o test.o

An example of using Intel MPI library (Intel MPI Library):

module load intel/intel-2013
mpiicc mpi.c -o mpi.o
mpirun -np 2 -hostfile ./hosts ./mpi_bandwidth.o

Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) – mathematical functions for speeding up program operations. Using the library:

module load intel/intel-2013

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector— a graphical tool for MPI program analysis. Manufacturer’s instruction for starting the work.

Example of starting a graphical interface (see the note on the use of graphical tools):

module load intel/intel-2013

Intel Advisor XE – paralēlo programmu prototipēšanas palīgs. Grafiskā interfeisa palaišana (skat. piezīmi par grafisko rīku izmantošanu):

module load intel/intel-2013

Intel Inspector XE 2013 – rīks atmiņas un paralēlo pavedienu kļūdu meklēšanai. Grafiskā interfeisa palaišana (skat. piezīmi par grafisko rīku izmantošanu):

module load intel/intel-2013

Intel VTune Amplifier XE – C, C++, C#, Fortran, Assembly un Java programmu optimizēšanas rīks.Grafiskā interfeisa palaišana (skat. piezīmi par grafisko rīku izmantošanu):

module load intel/intel-2013

Note. To be able to use graphical tools, X11 forwarding must be performed to provide a remote graphical interface (instruction is available here).The following products have both graphical and command line versions:

  • Trace Analyzer
  • Intel Advisor XE
  • Intel Inspector XE 2013
  • Intel VTune Amplifier XE